General informations about the Bahamas and Nassau
Surface area : 5382 square miles.
Population : About 310 000, the islands of the Bahamas consists of about 700 islands, only about 20 islands of which are inhabited
Time difference: -5 hours in winter, -6 hours in summer. (CET)
Language : English is the official language of the Bahamas.
Formalities : Valid biometric passport (6 months after departure date).
Health : No vaccination is required. Hospitals have good standard but are expensive, a full service travel insurance is highly recommended (insure plan including all medical cost and expenses)
Taxes and gratuities : In restaurants and hotels, gratuities are about 10 percent of the overall amount of the check. Most hotels will charge a tourist tax (about 20 to 40$ per person, payable on premises)
Power : 110 Volts. Bring a universal adapter to be able to charge 100-240V units .
All major hotels and restaurants accept Visa and Mastercard. Although the Bahamas are a member of the Commonwealth, the Bahamian Dollar is pegged to the US-Dollar on a one-to-one basis. Bring US-Dollars (cash and traveller’s cheques), as they are readily accepted everywhere.
Currency exchange rate (10/11/2015) :
1 Bahamian $ = +/- 0.92 €
1 € = +/- 1,08 Bahamian $
Phone & Internet :
- To call a Bahamian phone number from Europe:
Dial 00 + 1 242 (country code) then the phone number.
- To call a European phone number from the Bahamas:
Dial 00 + 33 + then the phone number (omitting the “0” if present).
Crooked Island : Cell phone service is reasonably available on the entire island. The lodge bar/restaurant also has WIFI service available.
The Bahamas have but one international airport, located in Nassau/New Providence. It is the hub for all the domestic flights to the Outer Islands. Two airlines service many Bahamian islands on a daily basis, Bahamasair services Crooked Island on Saturdays and Wednesdays, some of the flights will include a stopover at Spring Point (Acklins) before continuing to Crooked Island. Do not disembark and make sure to step off the plane only once you have landed at Crooked Island!
Hotels in Nassau
Budget lodging
Orange Hill Beach Inn
PO Box N-8583 - Nassau, NP Bahamas
Phone: 1-242-327-7157
1-888-399-3698 (U.S.A and Canada)
Fax 1-242-327-5186
Downtown Nassau
TEL: +1-242-322-3301 FAX: +1-242-302-9010
Family hotel
P.O. Box N-4914
Nassau West Bay Street
Tel: (1) 242 3276000
[email protected]